Perform at the Speed of Sound

A fresh perspective on leadership and
communication from a speaker with a
unique background

For organisations that want to perform at the speed of sound through better communication

Our communication determines how well our business performs.

It powers creativity. It enables change.

After hearing Chris speak, you will have the tools to pilot your organisation from the COCKPIT.

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Meet Chris Huet

Chris works with organisations to improve performance through better communication. Communication, in all its forms, has been key to his success:

  • Fighter pilot and commanding officer of Australia’s top gun school

  • Business leader who has won billions of dollars of contracts

  • Australian champion spoken word artist and award-winning poet

Chris draws on this surprising combination of experience to share the secrets of Communication Aces – leaders who achieve sky high performance by communicating from the COCKPIT. 


Communicate from the COCKPIT, not the cabin

Our daily routines are killing communication.

If we’re not stuck in our offices, grinding through emails, we’re sitting in endless meetings without purpose.

This cycle stifles our awareness and smothers our voice.
It is communicating from the cabin, among the cargo that is just along for the ride.

High performers communicate from the COCKPIT, open to the world around them. They are aware of where they are and how they relate with others. They know that effective communication is much more than just transmitting with confidence.

What People Are Saying

“Absolutely brilliant presentation, the most engaging of the day, which is incredibly challenging, given it was virtual!”

— Belinda Stevens,
HR Business Partner at Laucke Mills

“Your session was the best we’ve had in three years! I personally liked the content as well as the interaction you had with young graduates & students.”

— Harry Hoang,
CEO Tailored Accounts

Cracking presentation. Great oration skills. Rich lived examples.

— Chris Wood,
General Manager People Performance and Culture,
Adelaide Football Club

Enjoyed the opportunity to learn from Chris Huet tonight. Particularly loved the emotional connection in communication being the bridge over which our message must cross! Was insightful, authentic & delivered with commitment.”

— Colm Maguire,
Group Executive Pharmacy Transformation
Pharmacy Guild of Australia

“Chris delivered an excellent presentation on connecting with an audience and being present when speaking to other people. The skills that he spoke about were specific, practical and realistic and very relevant to our Group as we communicate in our workplaces and with our clients.

“Chris clearly knew and practised his subject matter in an enjoyable address.”

— Philip Roper,
Institute of Public Accountants

“Chris’ insight was exactly what we needed to hear and led to necessary changes to improve communication.

“Our people are working better together, our relationship with the customer is stronger - helping rebuild trust and enable excellent performance.”

— Craig Purry
Vice President Government Business
Asia Pacific Jet Aviation