

Communicate from the cockpit not the cabin

Too often, our communication fails to land as we intended. It feels like we’re stuck, unsure of how to connect with our teams and make things happen.

High-performing leaders get out of the cabin and communicate from the cockpit. They are aware of where they are and open to the world around them.

Chris shares with your people the secrets of these communication aces and the tools they use so their communication lands as intended.


Leading through turbulence

Uncertainty and instability have been our constant companions in recent years. We’re confronted by doubt and futures hidden in fog.

Learn how to lead from a place of strength during uncertainty. Build purpose, meaning and vision to inspire through crisis.

This keynote will give your attendees the understanding, tools and confidence to get back to the workplace and lead their teams to mission success.

In-person or virtual, Chris tailors each talk to your specific industry and event. He uses the right stories and examples to connect with your audience on the day.

Choose from a TED-style 18-minute talk through to a full 60-minute experience.

Following the keynote, continue the learning and inspiration with an interactive master class.

Chris offers two-hour, half-day and full-day sessions on the COCKPIT framework that have attendees leaving as communication aces.

Get in touch to find out more, or book Chris for your organisation today.